I’ve been holding back on commenting about R. Kelly because my jaw is still on the floor. To say I’m disgusted after watching #SurvivingRKelly would be an understatement.

I’m angry, I’m disappointed and I am mad as hell. I wish I had never heard his music. I wish I had never enjoyed his music. I wish I had never had a crush on him. I wish I had never spent a cent on his music.
It took me almost a week to watch all episodes of #SurvivingRKelly a documentary by Dream Hampton as Executive Producer that gives women who have experienced the other world of R&B singer R. Kelly aka Kels aka The Pied Piper, a platform to tell their story.
The women didn’t hold back when telling their sad stories. All the women had tears on their eyes at some point. As I kept on watching, the stories got
more and more depressing with each individual. It was the same story told by
different women. They all spoke about being abused emotionally, physically,
sexually and verbally by the same man – R. Kelly

I can’t say whose story touched me the most because I shed tears throughout while watching that documentary but the part when his ex-wife Andrea Kelly spoke about her children being isolated at school, being talked about and being mocked all because of their father’s actions I just couldn’t take it. I got introduced to Drea Kelly via the reality show Hollywood Exes which had her and the likes of Nicole Murphy (Eddie Murphy’s Ex), Shamicka Lawrence (Martin Lawrence’s Ex), Sheree Zampino (Will Smith’s Ex) and Mayte Garcia (Prince’s Ex).
Drea used to be uncomfortable and emotional when talking about R. Kelly on the show. After watching #SurvivingRKelly I now know why she was like that. I have concluded that R. Kelly is a monster. How does he sleep at night? The sad part is that he has survived all the previous allegations and continued to flourish and make us love him more. He’s basically hypnotized and brainwashed everyone around him including those that are supposed to call him to order. Everyone that worked for him or with him chose to ignore what he was doing, what was being said about him, some even went as far as covering up for him. What does this man have that has kept him untouched all these years? Voodoo??Â
How dare you turn women into your sex slaves? How dare you disrespect black women like that? How dare you prey on young innocent girls? How dare you insert your dick into a vagina of a 14year old? A whole grown man sleeping with babies? What makes me more and more upset is that the key families are not speaking against this child rapist and that makes them part of the problem. Sparkle introduced the 14year old girl to R. Kelly, she was her niece. Sparkle admitted that the girl on the sex tape was her niece for sure but then the parents of the girl and the girl herself denied that it was her on the tape. How dare they? How can yous sell your child to the devil for some change? This is disgusting. This is why R. Kelly will continue to destroy young lives all because he knows for a fact that he can buy his way out of every accusation because the parents will accept the cash.
Then there is Aaliyah’s mum, who apparently was livid about the documentary. She went as far as releasing a statement calling R.Kelly’s backup singer a liar for saying she saw Aaliyah having sex with R. Kelly in the tour bus.
She says she or her husband were always travelling with Aaliyah. Really???? So was she their witness when they got married? Where was she when Aaliyah’s age was
forged so she could marry that monster? Is she disputing that Aaliyah used to have sex with R. Kelly at all. Mxxim. There is a member of the Juror, John Petrean who said he didn’t believe any of the girls that testified against R Kelly saying there were underage at the time they slept with him because the way they dress and the way they act made their testimony unbelievable. WOW!! Â
No matter how much of a music genius he is, we can’t separate the music from a pedophile. This somehow reminded me of the Michael Jackson accusations back in the day. However, the R. Kelly one affected me more and I think it’s because when Michael Jackson’s story one broke I was still young, I really didn’t know much about life and I wasn’t a mother then. That is why I stood by MJ and continued to idolise him. To top it all, there was no video that circulated with MJ like the disgusting one of R. Kelly so it made it difficult for some of us to understand how serious that issue was. Watching the bit of that R. Kelly video with a 14year old really messed me up. I have a 14year old daughter. Should I let her watch the #Surviving R. Kelly documentary or not? She is growing up and she is interested in the
entertainment industry. I honestly don’t know if the documentary can be used as
a warning to prepare her to be on the lookout for these disgusting R. Kellys of
the world or will it be too traumatic for her and ends up crushing her dreams
as an entertainer?
I am so mad at R. Kelly I can’t even describe it. This is the man I believed in. I’ve beeeeeen loving him forever. How do I stop playing some of my favourite songs like Slow Wind, Storm is Over, Half on a Baby, Your Body’s Callin, Sign of Victory, The World’s Greatest, Down Low, Gotham City etc. How do I stop? To think most of his songs/lyrics are somehow linked to the nonsense he was doing behind closed doors. DISGUSTING!
Deep down in my heart I have a feeling that R. Kelly is going to survive the
#SurvivingRKelly era. I pray that I am wrong. We are a rotten world. He can
continue to get away with it by lying and singing his way out of it but we all
know he is a rapist, a child molester, a pedophile, a mean, disgusting excuse
of a man. He deserves to join his disgusting big brother behind bars and they must throw away the keys. At this point we are all Surviving R. Kelly. #MuteRKelly